Right now, I need help arranging my "to read" pile. It shifts like the line at the grocery checkout, everyone jockeying for the shortest path to the fromt of the line. I am reading Cleopatra: A Life, the Pulitzer-prize winner, because it's a book club choice, but I'm overwhelmed trying to decide what next.
Since I feed my need to read regularly--okay, excessively--I NEVER run out of books to read. Between bookstores, English conferences, and generous friends, I will never ever run out of something to read. (And right now the latest Oxford American sits on my nightstand. Ahhh!)
Before I throw out my choices in a post (coming soon to a computer screen near you), I'd love to hear others' recommendations for the next "must read."
Did you ever read The Eyre Affair? Probably, you've read everything. :) I finished it last week. I loved the grammar jokes and literary references.
P.S. I read Sarah's Key last year. My mom loved it, and lots of other readers I know did too. It didn't do much for me. Too... tidy or something for my taste.
I recommend the book of poems, FLAME IN THE WIND, by Grace Noll Crowell. I enjoyed it so much I had to find out more about the author and her other books, which I also enjoy.
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