Sunday, October 26, 2014

Lots of Time to Read, Few Brain Cells to Concentrate

As some of you know, I have spent the past week at Carolina's Medical Center where my husband had valve replacement surgery. This post isn't about that, since anyone who knows us know where to find updates (good news over all). Ironically, with a lot of time spent waiting, I have done less reading than I would have expected. (The same goes for paper grading.) Concentration hasn't been my strong suit. Interruptions are par for the course.

Still, I finished the audiobook I had in the car, Bill O'Reilly's Killing Lincoln, my October book club selection Liane Moriarty's The Husband's Secret, Alison Kemper's second YA novel Dead Over Heels, and a nonfiction work Suitcase Filled with Nails: Lssons Learned Teaching Art in Kuwait by Yvonne Pepin Wakefield.  Meanwhile, I am turning to the appropriate chapters in The Patient' Guide to Valve a Replacement Surgery.

I will post my response to each when I get settled in. For now, I must decide what to read next while we continue to "hurry up and wait."

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